Monday, April 16, 2012

from sunset to flower

missed one day of posting.
oh well.
it happens...

here's day 15 sunset & day 16 flower photo-a-day sharez...

2 of my lovez in front of the sunset at burbank airport...

from our morning walk today around the acacia hills neighborhood...
my lil baby boo is back home!
and she's back in school.
back into the routine of thangz of picking her up from school.
life moves and goes on.

selene & i had a nice walk.
she slept the whole time.
did some scretching & upper body weight training, abs too.

watched some of my recorded shows like khloe & lamar, shahs of sunset, & now big rich texas.
did i tell you already i'm a reality tv junkie?

my tummy is growling and it's time for lunch.
grilled cheese sandwich and some zesty tomato bisque.

gotta try to vacuum and do some every other day laundry.

here i go...

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